As we enter the Monteiro Lobato Library we come across the marquee that has turned into a colorful and immersive tunnel, bringing us to another world. The colorful portal changes color and size until we feel small, so small that we can enter into a book!
In fact, we were transformed by the psychedelic colors of Pirlimpimpim in this passage into another dimension.
We get into a huge pop-up book (or we who are small?) that tells as many stories as we can imagine and create, exploring, interact...
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As we enter the Monteiro Lobato Library we come across the marquee that has turned into a colorful and immersive tunnel, bringing us to another world. The colorful portal changes color and size until we feel small, so small that we can enter into a book!
In fact, we were transformed by the psychedelic colors of Pirlimpimpim in this passage into another dimension.
We get into a huge pop-up book (or we who are small?) that tells as many stories as we can imagine and create, exploring, interacting, playing and being contextualized together with the mythical characters from the book Sítio do Picapau Amarelo.
Monteiro Lobato was one of Brazil's most influential writers, especially for his children's books set in the fictional Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (Yellow Woodpecker Farm).
All project and re-design of the characters were developed by the team of Atelier Marko Brajovic exclusively for this project.
Enjoy the trip!
Commissioned by: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura
Format: Exhibition
Job Description: set design and set-up coordination
Author: Atelier Marko Brajovic
Creative Director: Marko Brajovic
Project Director: Bruno Bezerra
Project Coordinator: Adalberto de Paula, Mayra Shinzato
Assistant Architect: Lara Girard
Graphic Design: Adriana Alves, Karina Aoki
Production: Hybrida Production
Production Team: Jaques Carvalho
Set Up and Manufacture: Motta Stands