As a manual, ECOProducts collects materials and systems on the market that incorporate sustainable design, environmental innovation and ecological development as their own values. Introducing this new environmental culture derived from the Kyoto Protocol, to avoid CO2 emissions, the life cycle allows a new connection between architecture and industry, now creating a relationship between sustainable construction and ecomaterials. The choice and selection of materials becomes critical to being abl...
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As a manual, ECOProducts collects materials and systems on the market that incorporate sustainable design, environmental innovation and ecological development as their own values. Introducing this new environmental culture derived from the Kyoto Protocol, to avoid CO2 emissions, the life cycle allows a new connection between architecture and industry, now creating a relationship between sustainable construction and ecomaterials. The choice and selection of materials becomes critical to being able to build and design in a more sustainable way. This guide, the first in the Architecture and Environment collection, was born to facilitate access to more than 100 material records from all continents in the world. Low-impact, handcrafted, high-tech materials and products are collected that allow a project to be tailored to the requirements of existing environmental certifications.
Author: Ignasi Pérez Arnal
Collaborates: Bruno Sauer , Justo García Navarro , Chris Lefteri , Reyes Alcón
Hardcover: 268 pages
Publicher: Ignasi Pérez Arnal, AxE - Arquitectura y Entorno S.L., Barcelona 2008
Language: Castellano (Spanish)
ISBN -13 978-84-612-2829-4
Distribution: ACTAR D